The 2023 International Medieval Congress (IMC) will take place from Monday 03 July to Thursday 06 July 2023.
You find the entire program here:
and as a PDF here:
MEM has compiled a list of all sessions (highlighted) and individual papers dealing with topics that are especially relevant to our area of research. MEM is responsible for any errors or omissions in this compilation. In total, this “MEM program” includes 16 entire panels and more than 50 individual papers. Some of the highlights include five consecutive panels on disease in the medieval Islamicate world and several panels dealing with networks and entanglements within the early Islamic empire and with neighboring regions.
Moreover, MEMbers and our Board MEMbers are participating in this year’s IMC. MEM president Arezou Azad participates in the panel “Entanglements in Afghanistan” which has been funded by her “Invisible East” Project (University of Oxford) and organized by Hugh Kennedy. Eric Hanne, MEM’s treasurer, gives a paper in the panel “Medieval Networking and Prestige in the Islamic World and Byzantium, 12th-13th Centuries.”
Monday, 03 July 2023
Salvation and the Law in the Medieval Islamic World (Session 143)
Maurice Keyworth Building: 1.06 (see program, p. 81)
Organizer: IMC Programming Committee
Moderator: Fozia Bora (University of Leeds)
Paper 143-a: “The Entanglements of Riches: Medieval Muslim Disputes on the Salvation of ‘Abd al-Rahman ibn ‘Awf” – Alena Kulinich (Seoul National University / University of Oxford)
Paper 143-b: “The Legal Framework of Ǧihād in Aghlabid Sicily, 827-909” – Hossameldin Ali (Universität Konstanz)
Paper 143-c: “Qadi-Amir Relations in the Mamluk State” – Songül Akyurt (İzmir Kâtip Çelebi University)
Uppity Medieval Women Across the Globe, I (Session 107)
Esther Simpson Building: LG08 (see program, p. 65)
Paper 107-b: “Dethroning Hegemonic Masculinity: Āishah Bā’ūniyyah and the Sovereign Muslim Woman” – Pervine Elrefaei (Cairo University)
Paper 107-c: “The Female Companion: Women’s Transmission of Religious Knowledge in Early Islam” – Amina Hussain (Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Language University)
Medieval Networking and Prestige in the Islamic World and Byzantium, 12th-13th Centuries (Session 118)
Maurice Keyworth Building: 1.31 (see program, p. 70)
Paper 118-a: “‘Using every tool at his disposal’: Dubays b. Sadaqa’s Guide to 12th-Century Networking” – Eric J. Hanne (Florida Atlantic University)
Paper 118-c: “Intra-Family Collaboration and Networking in the Medieval Muslim World: The Evidence of Ibn al-Adim of Aleppo” – Yaacov Lev (Bar-Ilan University)
Network and Group Identity in Medieval Islamic Society (Session 210)
Clarendon Building: 1.06 (see program, p. 89)
Organizer: Deborah Tor (University of Notre Dame)
Moderator & Respondent: Hugh Kennedy (SOAS, University of London)
Paper 210-a: “Land Disputes among the ‘Alid Network of Yanbu” – Sean W. Anthony (Ohio State University)
Paper 210-b: “Making Communities in Early Islamic Local Histories” – Harry Munt (University of York)
Paper 210-c: “The Development of Chivalric Futuwwa Networks in Classical Islamic Society” – Deborah Tor
Uppity Medieval Women Across the Globe, II (Session 207)
Esther Simpson Building: LG08 (see program, p. 88)
Paper 207-c: “Maysun bt. Bahdal and Political Marriage in Early Islam” – Sarah O. Abou-Zied (Independent Scholar, Penicuick)
Paper 207-d: “From Harīm to Dominance: Al-Sayyīdah Šāġāb in Control of the Abbasid Caliphate” –Waleed Ahmed Abdulsalam Taha (Ahram Canadian University)
Networks of Disease, Charity, and Medicine (Session 228)
Claredon Building: 1.01 (see program, p. 97)
Paper 228-d: “Identification and Treatment of Plague Based on Religious Beliefs and Folklore in Early Islamic Iran” – Maryam Navi (University of Tehran)
Entanglements by Numbers: Networks of Astronomy and Mathematics (Session 237)
Newlyn Building: GR.02 (see programm, p. 101)
Paper 237-a: “The Destombes Astrolabe: A Mozarabic Copy from 10th-Century al-Andalus” – Thomas Freudenhammer (Independent Scholar, Berlin)
Entangled Rules and Networks of Power in the Islamic and Orthodox Medieval World (Session 238)
Parkinson Building: Room B.11 (see program, p. 101)
Paper 238-a: “Berbers Entangled: Power and Identity in Zirid Granada, 1038-1090” – Mateusz Wilk (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Translating Concepts Across Religious Boundaries (Session 243)
Maurice Keyworth Building: 1.06 (see program, p. 103)
Paper 243-a: “A Research on the Process of Translating Rhètorikè in the Islamic World” – Mohammad Ahmadi (Japan Women’s University)
Paper 243-b: “The Stucco Technique between Islamic and Byzantine Culture: A Case Study of Khirbat al-Mafjar and Some Monuments in Italy” – Siyana Georgieva (Università degli Studi di Padova)
Medieval African Entanglements, III: Reconstructing Islamicate Entanglements (Session 311)
Esther Simpson Building: 3.01 (see program, p. 110)
Sponsor: 2022 Dan David Prize Funding – Organizer: Abidemi Babatunde Babalola (British Museum) – Moderator: Solomon Gebreyes Beyene (Universität Hamburg)
Paper 311-a: “From ‘Haha’ to ‘Mecca’: Pilgrim Entanglements and Affective Networks of Travel from Medieval Africa” – Muhamed Riyaz Chenganakkattil (Indian Institute of Technology)
Paper 311-b: “Reconstructing Adal: The Archaeology of the Medieval Muslim Sultanates in the Horn of Africa” – Jorge de Torres Rodríguez (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas)
Paper 311-c: “The Battle Of Ksar El-Kebîr, before and after: The Ottoman Empire and Portugal’s Presence in Morocco” – Hava Önalan (Istanbul University)
Uppity Medieval Women Across the Globe, III (Session 307)
Esther Simpson Building: LG08 (see program, p. 109)
Paper 307-b: “Medieval or Modern?: Muslim Women Writers in Pre-Modern India” – Sabiha Huq (Khulna University)
Paper 307-c: “Analysis and Investigation of Khayami’s Thoughts in Mahsati Ganjawi’s Quatrains” – Jahangir Amiri and Tayebeh Amirian (Razi University)
Moving Byzantium, III: The Fragmentation and (Re-)Entanglement of 13th-Century Anatolia (Session 313)
Stage@leeds: Stage 1 (see program, p. 111)
Paper 313-b: “Greek Christian Networks in Muslim Anatolia: Noble Courts, Cities, and Countryside” – Rustam Shukurov (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften)
Communities, Networks, and Authorities in the Mediterranean (Session 318)
Claredon Building: 1.01 (see program, p. 114)
Paper 318-c: “Provisioning the Mediterranean: Muslim Sicily’s Economic and Social Landscape in the Genizah Merchants’ Letters” – Ksenia Ryzhova (Princeton University)
Learned and Heretical Women and Their Networks in the Islamic and Western Middle Ages (Session 325)
Esther Simpson Building: 3.08 (see program, p. 116)
Paper 325-a: “Feminine Network of Knowledge: Shuhdah al-Kātibah (d. 574/1178) and Her Role in Medieval Arabic Book Formation” – Jalal abd Alghani (Achva Academic College)
Conceptualising Pilgrimage, III: Materiality and Pilgrimage (Session 339)
Maurice Keyworth Building: 1.33 (see program, p. 122)
Paper 339-c: “Pictorial / Pictographic Sources for Medieval Islamic Pilgrimage” – Sakina Halvadwala (Deccan College Post Graduate & Research Institute)
Creative Mobility: Networks and Nomadic Power in Pre-Modern Eurasia (Session 343)
Maurice Keyworth Building: 1.06 (see program, p. 123)
Paper 343-a: “Shi’is, Sayyids, and Local Elites in Mongol Iran” – Edith X. Chen (University of Oxford)
Paper 343-b: “Qarakhanid Networks” – Dilnoza Duturaeva (University of York)
Tuesday, 04 July 2023
RomanIslam, I: Imperial Structures and Representations (Session 502)
Claredon Building: 2.08 (see program, p. 143)
Paper 502-b: “From the Roman Pons to Islamic Qanṭara” – Joud Nassan Agha (Universität Hamburg)
The Spoils of War: Plunder and Profit in Medieval Warfare (Session 504)
Esther Simpson Building: 2.09 (see program, p. 144)
Paper 504-d: “From Umayyad Madinat al-Zahra to Almohad Seville: The Plunder and Reuse of Andalusi Capitals” – Nausheen Hoosein (University of York)
Entanglements between the Comical and the Sacred in Medieval Arabic, Greek, and Western Literatures (Session 520)
Maurice Keyworth Building: 1.06 (see program, p. 150)
Paper 520-a: “Entangling Holiness with Foolishness: The Theme of Pious Fool in Medieval Arabic and Greek Hagiographies” – Zhicheng Ye (SOAS, University of London)
Disease in the Medieval Islamicate World, I: Origins and Impacts (Session 542)
Maurice Keyworth Building: G.02 (see program, p. 159)
Organizers: Nahyan Fancy (DePauw University) and Monica Green (Independent Scholar, Phoenix)
Moderator/Chair: Sean W. Anthony (Ohio State University)
Paper 542-a: “The Impact of the Justinianic Plague on Long Run Economic Development in The Middle East: Post-Plague Fertility and Human Capital” – Maya Shatzmiller (University of Western Ontario)
Paper 542-b: “A Metaphor for Contagion in Qusṭā ibn Lūqā’s Book of Contagion (al-Kitāb fi-l-I’dā’)” – Shahrzad Irannejad (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
Paper 542-c: “Records of Plague in 13th-Century Syriac Sources from the Mongol Period” – Salam Rassi (University of Edinburgh)
Medieval African Networks, II: Saharan Networks (Session 611)
Esther Simpson Building: 2.11 (see program, p. 166)
Paper 611-a: “Paris, Tunis… Njimi?: African Entanglements around the 1270 Crusade” – Sarah M. Guérin (University of Pennsylvania)
Paper 611-b: “Africa’s East-West Trade Route: Art, Goods, People, and Ideas” – Suzanne Blier (Harvard University)
Chinggisid Ripples, II: Historiography and Rhetoric of Rule across Mongol Eurasia (Session 615)
Maurice Keyworth Building: 1.32 (see program, p. 167)
Organizers: Geoffrey Humble (University of Leeds) and Márton Vér (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
Moderator: Márton Vér
Paper 615-a: “Toluid Framing and Islamicate Truth Claims in the Tarikh-I Jahangusha” – Jan Jelinowski (Université de Strasbourg / Polskiej Akademii Nauk)
Paper 615-b: “When Did the Mongol Era Start?: Interpreting the Rise of Chinggis Khan through Chronological Calculation” – Qiao Yang (Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte)
Paper 615-c: “Interfaith Court Debates and Intellectual Networks in the Mongol Empire: The Eurasian Entanglements of an Ilkhanid Vizier” – Jonathan Brack (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Re-Evaluating the 11th Century, II: Changing Perceptions of Place and Space in Response to Networks and Entanglements (Session 622)
Michael Sadler Building: LG.10 (see program, p. 170)
Sponsor: RELEVEN (Re-Evaluating the 11th Century), Universität Wien
Organizer: Lewis Read (Universität Wien)
Moderator: Aleksandar Anđelović (Universität Wien)
Paper 622-a: “Armenians in the 1070s: New Perspectives on Entanglements between Byzantium and the Seljuk Turks” – Lewis Read
Paper 622-b: “Between Baghdad and Samarkand: An East Syriac View of the 11th Century” – Benjamin Sharkey (University of Oxford)
Paper 622-c: “Known Unknowns: Looking North from the Islamic Imperial Centres in the 11th Century” – Kieran Hagan (University of Edinburgh)
Disease in the Medieval Islamicate World, II: Observing and Remembering Plague (Session 642)
Maurice Keyworth Building: G.02 (see program, p. 178)
Organizers: Nahyan Fancy (DePauw University) and Monica Green (Independent Scholar, Phoenix)
Moderator: André Filipe Oliveira da Silva (Universidade do Porto)
Paper 642-a: “How the Black Death Became ‘Global’: Plague Focalisation and Epidemic Perceptions in the 14th Century” – Monica Green
Paper 642-b: “Observing Others at the End of the World: Arabic Accounts of the Black Death” – Adam Talib (American University in Cairo)
Paper 642-c: “Recycling Prayers in Exile: A Hebrew Plague Liturgy Moves from Mallorca to the Maghreb” – Susan Einbinder (University of Connecticut)
RomanIslam, III: Transforming Cities (Session 702)
Claredon Building: 2.08 (see program, p. 182)
Paper 702-a: “City of Suburbs?: Islamic Palermo / Balarm and Its Extramural Districts” – Dana Katz (Universität Hamburg / Madrid Institute for Advanced Study)
Paper 702-c: “Reuse in Post-Roman Western Societies: A Comparative Approach between Christian and Islamic Attitudes towards Recycling and Spolia” – Jorge Elices Ocón (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC))
Paper 702-d: “Islamic Foundations as Military Cities” – Stefan Heidemann (Universität Hamburg)
Medieval African Networks, III: Connectivity (Session 711)
Esther Simpson Building: 2.11 (see program, p. 186)
Paper 711-a: “The Early Islamic Maghreb: New Administrative Centres in Medieval Africa” – Michelle Al-Ferzly (University of Michigan)
Paper 711-c: “Political Insurgency and State Formation in Northeast Africa: Insights from Judeo-Arabic and Old Nubian Documentary Sources” – Craig Perry (Emory University)
Mappings, III: Borders – Mental and Mapped (Session 723)
Claredon Building: 1.03 (see program, p. 191)
Paper 723-c: “Harmony Belies Tension: Mapping the Mediterranean from the Other Islamicate Side” – Karen Pinto (University of Colorado)
Disease in the Medieval Islamicate World, III: Plague’s Legacies (Session 742)
Virtual Session (see program, p. 198)
Organizers: Nahyan Fancy (DePauw University) and Monica Green (Independent Scholar, Phoenix)
Moderator: Nükhet Varlık (Rutgers University)
Paper 742-a: “Reusing and Revisiting the Signs and Effects of Plague during the Second Pandemic” – Nahyan Fancy
Paper 742-b: “Ibn Ḥajar’s Merits of the Plague as an Exemplary Work of a Hadith Scholar’s Synthetic Method” – Mairaj Syed (University of California)
Paper 742-c: “The Spice Trade and the Origins of the Plague in the Medieval Islamic Social Imaginary” – Joel Blecher (George Washington University)
Social, Cultural, and Regional Textile Networks of Iberia (Session 743)
Esther Simpson Building: 2.08 (see program, p. 199)
Paper 743-c: “Byzantine and Islamic Textile Fragments in Iberian Settings: Two Overlooked Cases from Calahorra and Palencia” – Verónica Carla Abenza Soria (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
RomanIslam, IV: Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies (Session 802)
Claredon Building: 2.08 (see program, p. 202)
Paper 802-c: “Life beyond the City Walls: Urban Infrastructure in Islamic Córdoba’s Western Suburbs” – Carmen González Gutiérrez (Universidad de Córdoba)
Colonialism in Dante and in Crusading (Session 804)
Esther Simpson Building: 2.09 (see program, p. 203)
Paper 804-b: “Latin Legal Treatises and the Populations of the Levant, 1099-1291” – Jennifer Mary Pearce (Nottingham Trent University)
Medieval African Networks, IV: From Ghana to Mali to Songhai (Session 811)
Esther Simpson Building: 2.11 (see program, p. 205)
Paper 811-a: “Eunuchs, Empire, and the Culture of Power in Songhay and the Late Medieval Dār al-Islām” – Mathilde Montpetit (New York University)
Cultural and Religious Networks in Medieval Iberia, IV: Making Martyrs in Liturgy and Hagiography (Session 817)
Stage@leeds: Stage 3 (see program, p. 207)
Paper 817-c: “Martyrs in al-Andalus: The Evidence from the Cordoban Calendar” – Cathrien Hoijinck (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)
Entangled Communities and Social Networks in the Face of Conflict and Disaster (Session 824)
Parkinson Building: Room 1.08 (see program, p. 210)
Paper 824-a: “Emotional Responses to Crises, Disaster, and Suffering in al-Andalus” – Ana María Carballeira-Debasa (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC))
Disease in the Medieval Islamicate World, IV: Retrieving the Corpus of Plague Treatises (Session 842)
Virtual Session (see program, p. 217)
Organizers: Nahyan Fancy (DePauw University) and Monica Green (Independent Scholar, Phoenix)
Moderator: Ahmed Tahir Nur (Yale University)
Paper 842-a: “’Uthmānī’s Healing the Grieving Heart: On the Exposition of Issues around the Plague” – Burak Veysel Erman (Yalova University / Istanbul Medeniyet University)
Paper 842-b: “llyas b. Ibrahim’s Shield from Plagues and Epidemics” – Ahmed Tahir Nur (Yale University)
Paper 842-c: “Idrīs-i Bidlīsī’s Refraining from Epidemic-Stricken Places” – Mehmet Emin Güleçyüz (University of Chicago)
Paper 842-d: “A Synthesising and Canonical Plague Treatise in the 16th-Century Ottoman Capital: Risālat al-shifā’ li-adwā’ al-wabā’” – Mustakim Arıcı (Istanbul Medeniyet University)
Disease in the Medieval Islamicate World, V: The State of Our Questions – A Round Table Discussion (Session 842)
Maurice Keyworth Building: G.02 (see program, p. 226)
Organizers: Nahyan Fancy (DePauw University) and Monica Green (Independent Scholar, Phoenix)
Moderator/Chair: Monica Green (Independent Scholar, Phoenix)
Participants: Joel Blecher (George Washington University), Ahmed Tahir Nur (Yale University), André Filipe Oliveira da Silva (Universidade do Porto), Anna M. Peterson (Universidad de Cantabria), and Mairaj Syed (University of California, Davis)
Wednesday, 05 July 2023
Premodern Sex and Sexualities in Arabic Erotic Texts (Session 1007)
Maurice Keyworth Building: 1.03 (see program, p. 236)
Organizer/Chair: Kathryn Maude (American University of Beirut)
Paper 1007-a: “Cheeks like Apples, Breasts like Pomegranates: The Anecdotal Lesbian in 10th-Century Arabic Erotic Writing” – Riwa Roukoz (American University of Beirut)
Paper 1007-b: “Same-Sex Desire and the Long Tradition of Arabic Erotica, 10th-15th Centuries” – Pernilla Myrne (Göteborgs universitet)
Paper 1007-c: “A 14th-Century Moralist’s Reading of Same-Sex Desires” – Jonathan Lawrence (University of Oxford)
The Entangled Caucasus, I: Early Entanglements – The Early Medieval Caucasus (Session 1015)
Maurice Keyworth Building: 1.04 (see program, p. 239)
Paper 1015-b: “Sufyanid Armenia and Caucasian Albania, c. 661-683” – Stephanie Forrest (University of Cambridge)
Marginal Communities in Globalised Mediterranean Networks, I: Women on the Margins (Session 1018)
Maurice Keyworth Building: 1.04 (see program, p. 239)
Paper 1018-c: “Knowledge Networks and Caliphal Women in the Umayyad Court of al-Andalus” –Eduardo Manzano Moreno (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC))
The Entangled Making, Uses, and Visualisations of Textiles in the Early Medieval Period, 450-1100, I (Session 1033)
Clarendon Building: 1.03 (see program, p. 246)
Paper 1033-a: “’The Draped Universe of Islam’: Attitudes to Clothing and Textiles in Medieval Islamic Societies, c. 1000” – Charlotte Wood (University of Oxford)
Dynasty and Court Culture in Byzantium and the Near East, III: Court Culture (Session 1106)
Parkinson Building: Room 1.08 (see program, p. 257)
Paper 1106-a: “Refinement and the Abbasid Court” – Letizia Osti (Università degli Studi di Milano)
Cultural Crossroads in the Medieval Arab World (Session 1110)
Maurice Keyworth Building: 1.03 (see program, p. 236)
Organizer: Sally Hany Abed (Trinity College Dublin) and Maha Baddar (Pima Community College)
Moderator/Chair: Maria Joana Matos Gomes (Universidade do Porto)
Paper 1110-a: “Who is a Rhetor?: Ibn Sina’s Reinvention of the Role of the Speaker in Political Rhetoric” – Maha Baddar (Pima Community College)
Paper 1110-b: “Arabic Voices in the Cairo Genizah” – Sally Hany Abed (Trinity College Dublin)
Paper 1110-c: “Cutting Edges on Cross-Cultural Manuscripts: The Transnational and Transculturation of Falconry and Venery Treatises” – Leslie Jacoby (Independent Scholar, Kensington, California)
Paper 1110-d: “The Making of the Arab World in the Travelogues of Ibn Jubayr and Sir John Mandeville” – Serife Gulluce (Erciyes University) and Hülya Tafli Düzgün (Erciyes University)
Intellectual Networks in China, the Islamic World, and the Renaissance (Session 1116)
Esther Simpson Building: 2.12 (see program, p. 260)
Paper 1116-b: “Utopian Thought in the Islamicate West” – Ruben Schenzle (Freie Universität Berlin)
Silence and Silencing, II: Silencing and Racialising (Session 1125)
Newlyn Building: GR.07 (see program, p. 264)
Paper 1125-a: “Filling in the Gaps: Absence as Gain in Copenhagen Cod. Arab. 99’s Ibn Faḍlān” – Tonicha Upham (Aarhus Universitet)
Paper 1125-c: “Confronting Silences: Rethinking Medieval Race, Gender, and Class in Haft Paykar, an ‘Interracial’ Romance between a Persian King and His Chinese Musician Slave Girl” – Amanda Caterina Leong (University of California)
Entangled Environments, II: Human and Non-Human Agents in the Medieval Arabic and Latin World (Session 1126)
Clarendon Building: 1.02 (see program, p. 265)
Paper 1126-b: “Beyond the Caliph’s Kitchen: Ecological Entanglements in a 10th-Century Baghdadi Cookbook” – Luke Bateman (University of Oxford)
The Archaeology of the Medieval Period in Sudan and the Horn of Africa: New Perspectives (Session 1202)
Newlyn Building: 1.07 (see program, p. 278)
Paper 1202-a: “The Islamisation of Sudan through Material Culture” – Intisar Soghayroun Elzein (University of Khartoum)
The Mobility of Objects and Peoples and Entanglements between Byzantine, Islamic, and Western Medieval Worlds (Session 1222)
Parkinson Building: Room B.10 (see program, p. 287)
Organizer: IMC Programming Committee
Moderator/Chair: Panos Sophoulis (National Kapodistrian University of Athens)
Paper 1222-a: “The Weaponisation of Merchants and Mercantile Networks on the Byzantine-Islamic Frontier” – Berke Çetinkaya (Boğaziçi University)
Paper 1222-b: “Theodore of Tarsus: Archbishop of Canterbury, Scholar, and Diplomat – Christian, Saracen, and Later 7th-Century Trading Networks with the Eastern Roman Byzantine Empire” – Katherine Barker (Bournemouth University)
Paper 1222-c: “Entanglement of Origins: The So-Called Siculo-Arabic Casket in the Wawel Cathedral Treasury in Kraków and Byzantine, Arabic, and Latin Court Culture” – Magdalena Garnczarska (Uniwersytet Jagielloński)
Complex Spatial Networks of the Middle Ages: Digital Data, Analysis, and Visualisation (Session 1223)
Clarendon Building: 2.01 (see program, p. 287)
Paper 1223-c: “Gharb al-Andalus’ Cities Network Analysis as a Potential Method for Charting City Growth” – Joel Santos (University of Leicester)
Law and Problem Solving, c. 1000-c. 1300, II: Law and the Problem of Political Authority (Session 1240)
Clarendon Building: GR 01 (see program, p. 294)
Paper 1240-a: “The Concept of Dismissing a Caliph in Islamic Political / Legal Thought: The Approaches of al-Mawardi (d. 1058), al-Farra (d. 1066), and al-Juwayni (d. 1085)” – Munevver Gulce (Temple University)
Women, Power, and Patronage in the Late Medieval Mediterranean World (Session 1307)
Maurice Keyworth Building: 1.31 (see program, p. 301)
Paper 1307-b: “The Beseeched Burial: Entanglements in the Historical Events Associated with the Shrine of al-Sayyida Nafīsa, Cairo” – Murtaza Shakir (Aljamea-tus-Saifiyah)
Marginal Communities in Globalised Mediterranean Networks, IV: Labouring from the Margins (Session 1318)
Esther Simpson Building: 3.02 (see program, p. 306)
Paper 1318-b: “Corvée, Conscription, and Communication in the Early 8th-Century Caliphate” – Arietta S. Papaconstantinou (University of Reading)
Thursday, 06 July 2023
Multidimensional Diplomacy: The Mamluk / Cairo Sultanate as a System of Networked Empire, I (Session 1510)
Maurice Keyworth Building: 1.31 (see program, p. 344)
Paper 1510-c: “Visiting Mecca, or Meeting the Caliphs?: The ḥaǧǧ Diplomacy of Sahelian Sultans in Mamluk Cairo, 13th-16th Centuries” – Rémi Dewière (Northumbria University)
Entanglements in Afghanistan (Session 1511)
Parkinson Building: Room B.22 (see program, p. 334)
Sponsor: “Invisible East” Project (University of Oxford)
Organizer: Hugh Kennedy (SOAS, University of London)
Moderator/Chair: Hugh Kennedy (SOAS, University of London)
Paper 1511-a: “The Rural Administration of Khurasan According to Documents” – Arezou Azad (University of Oxford)
Paper 1511-b: “Newly-Discovered Fragments from a Medieval Islamic Historical Work: History and Historiography in Samanid Central Asia” – Thomas Benfey (University of Oxford)
Paper 1511-c: “Unveiling the Corpus of Firuzkuh Documents from Medieval Afghanistan” – Nabi Saqee (University of Oxford)
iForal Project, I: Historical Perspectives on Portuguese Municipal Charters, 12th to 15th Centuries (Session 1540)
Esther Simpson Building: 2.12 (see program, p. 346)
Paper 1540-b: “Regulation for the Others: Municipal Laws for Moorish and Frankish Communities in Portugal in the 12th Century” – Manuela Santos Silva (Universidade de Lisboa)
Multidimensional Diplomacy: The Mamluk/Cairo Sultanate as a System of Networked Empire, II – Reconceptualising the Dār al-ḥarb Levantine Coast and Levant Trade, post 1291 (Session 1610)
Maurice Keyworth Building: 1.31 (see program, p. 355)
Sponsor: Diplomaticon, Power in History’ (Universiteit Antwerpen) / Centre for Medieval & Early Modern Studies / Centre for the History of Diplomacy (University of Manchester)
Organizer: Georg Christ (University of Manchester) and Malika Dekkiche (Universiteit Antwerpen)
Moderator/Chair: Malika Dekkiche (Universiteit Antwerpen)
Paper 1610-a: “Diplomacy in the Service of Baybars’ Ambitions, 1260-1277” – Mohamed Ouerfelli (Aix Marseille Université)
Paper 1610-b: “The Palestinian Coast as a Focus of Mamluk-Frankish Diplomacy and Trade in the Post-1291 Period” – Reuven Amitai (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Paper 1610-c: “Porous Jihad Boundaries: Redefining the Dār al-ḥarb after 1291 and Mamluk Satellites – Cyprus, Rhodes, Venice, Crete” – Georg Christ (University of Manchester)
Paper 1610-d: “Retrospective Digital Cartography: Challenging the Visual Language of Political Self-Containment – From the Roman to the Mamluk Empire” – Luca Scholz (University of Manchester)
Textiles and Their Social, Technical, and Symbolic Facets (Session 1702)
Newlyn Building: 1.07 (see program, p. 373)
Paper 1702-c: “Clothing Maintenance in Early Islam: Shifting Boundaries between Theology and Reality” – Hadas Hirsch (Oranim Academic College)
Networks of Religious Authority in the Islamic and Western Middle Ages (Session 1710)
Maurice Keyworth Building: 1.31 (see program, p. 376)
Paper 1710-a: “Islamic Law and Spirituality in Unison and Difference: Medieval Narratives from the Indian Sub-Continent” – Bilal Ahmad (International Islamic University)
Religious Entanglements and Co-Production: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (Session 1719)
Newlyn Building: 1.02 (see program, p. 379)
Sponsor: Research Project “Interactive Histories, Co-Produced Communities: Judaism, Christianity & Islam”
Organizer: Katharina Heyden (Universität Bern) and Rahel Schär (Universität Bern)
Moderator/Chair: Katharina Heyden (Universität Bern)
Paper 1719-a: “Co-Production of Healing Pilgrimage Sites in the Eastern Mediterranean, 5th-7th Centuries” – Maureen Attali (Universität Bern)
Paper 1719-b: “ Religious Co-Production in the Legends of the 60 Martyrs of Gaza and the Martyrdom of Bishop Sophronius of Jerusalem” – Rahel Schär (Universität Bern)
Paper 1719-c: “Struggle and Endurance in the Qur’an in the Context of Late Antique Piety” – Paul Neuenkirchen (Universität Bern)
Paper 1719-d: “Examining Porous Boundaries between Jewish and Muslim Litigants in Fāṭimid Courts: A Comparative Study of Jewish and Islamic Debt Acknowledgements (Iqrārs) in the Cairo Genizah” –Sarah Islam (Universität Bern)
Political and Economic Networks between Byzantium and Its Neighbours (Session 1737)
Newlyn Building: 1.01 (see program, p. 387)
Paper 1737-a: “The Athenian Economy in the Middle Ages: Establishing a Trading Network between Athenian and Arabic Cultures” – Panagiota Mantouvalou (University of Birmingham)